Can you sit cross legged after a knee replacement?

I have been asked this a few times, and the question came in again today. This is something that took me a long time to achieve, and lots of persistence, but yes, I most definitely can!

Now I probably can’t get my feet much closer to me than this, and I can’t easily turn that around the other way (my TKR leg is the right), however, yes it can certainly be done.

Would I want to sit like this all day? Probably not.

Would this be my go to position of choice? Probably not.

But, like everything knee replacement related, when someone says it’s not very likely I like to trot off and prove them wrong! 😁

Got a question for me? Ask away!

Published by Melanie

I am a massage therapist and part time athlete, blogging life thru a disability lens. On wheels, with flipper and occasionally on feet.

3 thoughts on “Can you sit cross legged after a knee replacement?

  1. I can sit cross legged but suddenly kneeling has become a problem! I was able to kneel on first knee replacement and initially after second knee replacement but lately the second one is sore on kneeling. I suspect it’s temporary from recent intense Zumba though.


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